
camilla Elizabeth lewis-7

Discussion #1

At the beginning of the story, Camilla chooses to stay with her mother, even though all her brothers and sisters leave. She doesn’t want her mother to be lonely. Have you ever shared comfort and friendship with someone who was lonely or needed a friend? How did it make you feel?

Discussion #2

Camilla doesn’t like the way she looks in the beginning of the story. She wishes she had a larger and slimmer body and that she could swim better and faster. Her mother reassures her that her body is just right. Have you ever wished to look different or to have different abilities or skills? Who helps you to see that you are just right?

Discussion #3

Consider all the wonderful parts that make you unique and how you might use your special features and talents to help others. Brainstorm some ways that you might make a splash and make the world a brighter place.